Our Photo Trip

Sedona - AZ

Grand Canyon - AZ

Bryce Canyon -UT

Zion National Park - UT

Roswell -NM

Meteor Crater - AZ

Petrified Forest - AZ

Palo Duro Canyon TX

Big Bend - TX

East Texas Colors




RA Hall Photography Endorses the Chain Pod

The Chain Pod is a great new tool for low light/slow shutter speed photography & is great for reducing camera shake. It is easy to use:

  1. Simply screw the Chain Pod into the bottom of your camera.
  2. Drop the chain to the ground.
  3. Step on the chain.
  4. Pull up until the chain get's tight.

You now have a steady platform for low light/slow shutter photography!

View this detailed Video:

The Chain Pod fits in your hand & adjusts in less than a second, you can use it knelling down, just put the chain under your knee, pull up until the chain get's tight and take the shot. The chain pod is a great compact, lightweight, travel monopod. ​ The cost of the chain pod is only $9.95. We'll ship The Chain pod once we receive your payment. We accept PayPal and all major credit cards. When ordering please put in how many you want to order then hit the update button, if the buy buttons do not work please send us an email. Click Here to Purchase

RA Hall states that he would not go on a photo excursion without his Chain Pod. It has saved many hard to get low light shots. Fantastic Product!

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