Grand Canyon - Arizona The Grand Canyon in Arizona is more than a great chasm carved over millennia through the rocks of the Colorado Plateau. It is more than an awe-inspiring view. It is more than a pleasuring ground for those that explore the roads, hike the trails, or float the currents of the turbulent Colorado River. This canyon is a gift that transcends what we experience. Its beauty and size humbles us. Its timelessness provokes a comparison to our short existence. In its vast spaces we may find solace from our hectic lives. The Grand Canyon we visit today is a gift from past generations. Take time to enjoy this gift. Sit and watch the changing play of light and shadows. Wander along a trail and feel the sunshine and wind on your face. Attend a ranger program. Follow the antics of ravens soaring above the rim. Listen for the roar of the rapids far below. Savor a sunrise or sunset. As the shadows lengthen across the spires and buttes, time passing
into the depths of the canyon, understand what this great chasm passes
to us - a sense of humility born in the interconnections of all that
is and a willingness to care for this land. We have the responsibility
to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to form their
own connections with Grand Canyon National Park.
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