Our Photo Trip
Sedona - AZ
Grand Canyon - AZ
Bryce Canyon -UT
Zion National Park - UT
Roswell -NM
Meteor Crater - AZ
Petrified Forest - AZ
Palo Duro Canyon TX
Big Bend - TX
East Texas Colors

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Meteor Crater -
Located in Northern Arizona, a visit to the Meteor Crater Visitor Center
provides you with an enjoyable educational experience in well maintained,
modern facilities, which are kept spotlessly clean. The former Museum
of Astrogeology has been remodeled and includes new displays on the never-ending
process of impacts and collisions in our solar system. The Meteor Crater
Interactive Learning Center includes twenty-four exciting exhibits, making
it the most extensive and informative museum of its type on planet earth.
Also included in the Learning Center are two interactive computer displays
that contain information and high-tech graphics on space, meteorites
and asteroids, the solar system, and the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet that
impacted Jupiter.
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