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Sedona - AZ

Grand Canyon - AZ

Bryce Canyon -UT

Zion National Park - UT

Roswell -NM

Meteor Crater - AZ

Petrified Forest - AZ

Palo Duro Canyon TX

Big Bend - TX

East Texas Colors




Zion National Park - Utah

Zion is an ancient Hebrew word meaning a place of refuge or sanctuary. Protected within the park's 229 square miles is a dramatic landscape of sculptured canyons and soaring cliffs. Zion is located at the junction of the Colorado Plateau, Great Basin and Mojave Desert provinces. This unique geography and the variety of life zones within the park make Zion significant as a place of unusual plant and animal diversity.

Zion National Park encompasses some 150,000 acres of wild canyon country east of St. George, Utah, including the narrow, multicoloured Kolob Canyons to the north and many miles of largely impenetrable mountain wilderness. However, the vast majority of visitors come only to see Zion Canyon, probably the most immediately spectacular of the many geological wonders in Utah - sheer red and white sandstone cliffs tower up to 2,500 feet above the North Fork of the Virgin River, and gradually become closer together upstream until only 30 feet apart in places.
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Zion National Park
Zion Canyon
American Southwest

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